Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend Report: First aid training and CLCs

This past weekend's Wilderness First Aid course went well, with another large group of volunteers in attendance for coursework offered by Aerie Backcountry Medicine and sponsored by the Student Conservation Association and Boeing Corporation. Here's a couple of pictures from the training. The makeup looks very real, doesn't it?!

By the way, Wilderness First Responder, from September 7-14, is right on the verge of having enough registrants to proceed. If you're thinking about participating, or know a fellow volunteer who might want to, sign up now so we can confirm with Aerie. With funding assistance from Boeing, this intensive course will likely be offered at less than half its usual cost.

Our Mount Rainier Recovery Corps has also been busy working with the second group of Conservation Leadership Corps students [corrected], an SCA program that recruits young people from local urban communities to gain experience working on volunteer teams in national parks. Here's a picture from this weekend of the crew working on trail construction in the washed-out section of the Westside Road.

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