Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A reminder about volunteer uniforms

You are a Volunteer, and you are understandably proud of your position. Depending on what role you fulfill, you may or may not be entitled to wear a uniform. Did you know that there are protocols for when and where you can wear your Park Service attire?

Just like a nurse's cap or a fireman's helmet, your uniform is not a costume. It is meant to be worn only when you are actively on duty as an official representative of the National Park Service.  Shirts and jackets with identifying insignia may be worn only when you are working or en route to or from work. These items should not be worn when you are hiking for personal pleasure in the Park or elsewhere, and they should never be treated as casual wear in the civilian sector.  However, if you have been issued a cap with the Volunteer insignia on it, you are allowed to wear it when you're off duty. You may not loan any portion of your uniform to another person who is not a volunteer for any reason. The only persons wearing a volunteer insignia in the park should be active volunteers.

Uniforms should be kept clean and neat, with trousers and shirts pressed. If your garments become worn or stained, contact the Volunteer office for a reissue. Remember, you are the face of your Park! Thank you all for representing us well!

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