Thursday, February 19, 2015

Earth Day Week Litter Patrol

It's been three years since Mount Rainier's Volunteers adopted the two-mile stretch of SR 706 from milepost 2 to milepost 4 east of Elbe. You may recognize this as the section of highway which includes the Park's Tahoma Woods Headquarters. During those three years, we have partnered with the Washington State Department of Transportation, and in exchange for keeping the area clean of litter, Volunteers are acknowledged by a state sign at either end of the "beat." This publicity is good for the Park and for the Volunteer Program, and that's why once again, we are turning to you to ask for help.

As part of our contract with the state, we must complete a litter pickup in April, an event which coincides (more or less) with Earth Day. This year's patrol is scheduled for Saturday, April 25th starting at 10 AM. Depending on the number of volunteers we have turn out, we will have the job done between noon and 2 PM. Volunteers who have not already done so will need to watch a short training video which features a very young and goofy Bill Nye ("the Science Guy"). The video can be found on the DoT's website at

Here's your chance to benefit both the Park and the community, and to help increase public awareness of the Volunteer program. We need one dozen volunteers for the job! Bags, gloves, safety vests and long-armed grabbers will be provided. Contact Crow at petrina_vecchio(at) for more information. RSVP no later than April 15. Please join us!

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