Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Final Agenda and Details for Meadow Rover Training

All right, Meadow Rovers, here's the "final" agenda for the training on Saturday! (Of course, nothing is ever really final until after the fact, but this is about as close as it gets.)

Registration: Space is still available on our Eventbrite page. Sign up ahead of time so we know how many to expect!

Agenda: Click here for the "final" version of the agenda. It's going to be an exciting training with lots of opportunities for learning from lots of different people!

Pre-Training Homework: If you have time, download a copy of our 2008 Meadow Rover Handbook and look it over prior to attending the class. It'll give you an overview of what the program is and how it works.

Carpooling: Lots of you have asked about carpooling options. You can still post a request for carpooling partners on our Google discussion group... however, in response to popular demand, I have also created a...

Yahoo Group: The new Yahoo group at has advantages over the Google group in that you can share files and photos and, most helpfully, post your own entries on a group calendar. Let each other know when you're coming up to the Mountain, and solicit ride-share partners using the interactive calendar.

Camping: Lots of you have asked about camping options this weekend. Here's the scoop (literally): The group campsite at Cougar Rock is still buried in snow! Therefore, the rangers have set aside sites R13 and R14 for use by volunteers. Check in at the campground entrance as you would for any site, but let the rangers know you're a volunteer who will be using one of the sites we've reserved. Hopefully that will be enough for everyone who wants to camp. In addition, consider bringing a "scoop" (shovel) from home and digging out a space in the group site! The rangers can direct you where it is.

What to Bring: Bring a lunch, water, jacket, sunglasses, sunscreen, hat, and good hiking boots (for going out on the snow). If you're a new Rover and plan to sign up for a recurring assignment, come prepared with your calendar and your shirt size!

Counting our SCA Conservation Corps, we have about 50 people signed up to attend Meadow Rover Training, and the forecast looks great! I'm very excited about the program this year: with all the interest we have, and with lots of new resources (including online tools, dedicated coordinators, and training opportunities), this should be our best year ever in the meadows. See you Saturday!

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