Monday, April 9, 2012

Announcing... the 2012 Volunteer Handbook!

Here's a project we've been working on, off and on, literally for years: a handbook of basic information about the volunteer program at Mount Rainier National Park, a basic resource for new volunteers that explains the volunteer's role, rights, responsibilities, and resources. Contributors over the years have  included Nick Abel... Evan Escamilla... Patty Poulin... Petrina "Crow" Vecchio... and many others. At long last, here it is!

The 2012 Volunteer Handbook for Mount Rainier National Park

We'll link this guide in the resources section on the right-hand side of this page so it will always be easy to find. Experienced volunteers, please feel free to suggest revisions or additions, based on your experience with our program. We want this booklet to be straightforward, easy to use, and succinct, but also to include the most essential information a new volunteer would want to know.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this project!

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