Friday, October 31, 2008

Annual Activity and Expense Report

Annual Activity and Expense Report
Mount Rainier National Park

Report Date: Oct 30, 2008
Fiscal Year: 2008

Volunteer Coordinator and Park Information

Total Volunteers: 1,837 (up from 1,724 in FY07)
Alpha Code: MORA
VIP Coordinator: Kevin Bacher
VIP Coordinator Phone: 360-569-2211
Coordinator Email:

Volunteer hours by category:

Administration: 1,298.00
Campground Host: 1,242.00
Cultural Resource Management: 4,531.00
General Management: 327.00
Interpretation: 20,117.00
Maintenance: 2,193.00
Natural Resource Management: 13,140.00
Protection/Operations/Law Enforcement: 24,721.00
Training: 2,561.00
Total: 70,130 (down from 84,038 in FY07)

Program costs by category:

Housing: $ 3,175.00
Meals: $ 4,992.00
Recognition/Award: $ 389.00
Supplies: $ 8,334.00
Training: $ 0.00
Transportation: $ 2,154.00
Uniforms: $ 2,860.00

Volunteer Program Highlight

This year marked the second year of our Flood Recovery Initiative following the floods of November 2006, including the second and final year of a major partnership with the Student Conservation Association to recruit and lead volunteer work projects with the help of (this year) a 10-person Conservation Corps. The Corps was supported, in part, by $5,000 in regional Special Project Funding. While we didn't record as many volunteer hours as last year, we actually worked with more individuals than ever, a testimony to the success of our outreach efforts in recruiting new volunteers, especially youth. SCA also helped with fundraising, securing, among others, a $93,000 grant from Boeing Corporation to fund youth volunteers, volunteer training, and partnerships with the National Parks Conservation Association and Washington Trails Association. These partnerships were honored with a Cooperative Conservation Award from DOI in April, and the volunteer program received a George B. Hartzog Jr. Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service in May. Superintendent Uberuaga received a Federal Land Manager's Award for his support of the volunteer program in July. Overall, volunteer participation increased in almost every aspect of park operations, as park supervisors and program managers embraced the idea of partnering with volunteers in stewardship of Mount Rainier National Park.


How many people at the park require VIP Program Mgmt Training: 8

Optional Information Regarding Housing VIPS and Campground Hosts

Number of Campground Hosts: 3
Number of VIPs housed in Permanent Structures: 38
Number of VIPs housed in Trailers: 0

Trailer Pads for Volunteers: 4

Other Information

Number of SCAs: 30
SCA Hours: 17585
Number of Artists in Parks: 0
Artist in Parks Hours: 0
Number of International VIPs: 13
International VIPS Hours: 852
Number of Volunteer Senior Ranger Corps: 0
Volunteer Senior Ranger Corps Hours: 0

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