Tuesday, November 22, 2016

2016 Annual Activity and Expense Report

Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Volunteers In Parks

Annual Activity and Expense Report
Mount Rainier National Park
Report Date: Nov 22, 2016
Fiscal Year: 2016 
Volunteer Coordinator and Park Information 
Total Volunteers: 2,154
Alpha Code: MORA
VIP Coordinator: Kevin Bacher
VIP Coordinator Phone: 360-569-2211
Coordinator Email: kevin_bacher@nps.gov 
Volunteer hours by category: 
Administration:  850.50
Campground Host:  2,761.50
Cultural Resource Management:  4,878.75
General Management:  369.00
Interpretation:  11,868.00
Maintenance:  26,834.80
Natural Resource Management:  11,740.20
Protection/Operations/Law Enforcement:  8,672.20
Training:  1,676.50
[Total hours: 69,651.45]

Hours no longer counted as volunteers:

Student Conservation Association Interns: 8,674
Geoscientist-in-Parks Interns: 3,652.5

[Total volunteer and intern hours: 81,978]
Volunteer Program Highlight
Mount Rainier had a banner year for volunteers, with more volunteer and intern hours than any year except 2007 and more volunteer numbers than we've ever recorded. Highlights this year include:
  • A trial Service-Learning program with Girl Scouts was very successful within our Education and Keep Wildlife Wild programs.
  • The Japan Volunteers-in-Parks Association, based in Tokyo, added 704 international volunteer hours.
  • Three SCA Community Crews, totaling 30 youth, contributed 2,400 hours.
  • Our ongoing partnership with the Washington Trails Association brought 6,615 hours of trail maintenance by 476 people. This accounted for about a quarter of the 25,142 total hours reported in Trail Maintenance, by far our largest volunteer program.
  • 29 Community Groups were active in the park, including several local schools, business groups, and Tourism Cares, which brought 100 volunteers to the park at one time for an enormous volunteer work day.
  • National Trails Day and National Public Lands Day continue to be some of our most popular drop-in volunteer days.
  • 11 SCA interns contributed 8,674 hours and 7 Geologist-in-Park interns contributed 3,653 hours (neither are included in "volunteer" totals).
  • Citizen Science volunteers contributed 3,574 hours, surveying amphibians, butterflies, wildflowers, and wilderness hikers.
  • Meadow Rovers set records with 7,877 hours by 186 people patrolling subalpine trails.
How many people at the park require VIP Program Management Training: 18
Optional Information Regarding Housing VIPs and Campground Hosts
Number of Campground Hosts: 11
Number of VIPs housed in Permanent Structures: 30
Number of VIPs housed in Trailers: 0
Trailer Pads for Volunteers: 8
Other Information
Number of SCAs: 41
SCA Hours: 11,074
Number of Artists in Parks: 1
Artist in Parks Hours: 200
Number of International VIPs: 15
International VIPS Hours: 704
Number of Volunteer Senior Ranger Corps: 0
Volunteer Senior Ranger Corps Hours: 0
Number of Boy Scouts: 0
Boy Scout Hours: 0
Number of Girls Scouts: 11
Girl Scout Hours: 110
Number of Wounded Warriors: 0
Wounded Warriors Hours: 0

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