And remember... many of our Today Volunteers are also Future Rangers!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Future Rangers
Friday, March 25, 2016
Guess Who is Coming Back?
If you guessed the Student Conservation Association's Community Crews, then you would be 100% correct! But, why are we so excited? Well, read on to find out...
The SCA's Community Crews have called Mount Rainier National Park home for quite a few years now. Last year, the SCA brought eighteen 14-18 year olds into the park for two weeks of back country trails projects, front country projects, education programs, and countless interactions with Rangers from all over the park. Completing 2160 hours of volunteer service in 2015 alone, the SCA Community Crews helped complete over 7,500 feet of trail brushing and installed 34 check steps along some popular trails, like the Skyline Trail and the Nisqually Vista Loop, as well as some lesser traveled trails, like the Snow Lake Trail and the North Puyallup Trail.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
A Short Drive to Sunrise
Monday, March 21, 2016
Volunteer Photo Spotlight, Part #2
NPS Photo / VIP Hunds |
NPS Photo / VIP Hunds |
NPS Photo / VIP Hunds |
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Joan Hays, Adventurer of the Week
One of our Mount Rainier Adopt-a-Highway volunteers has hit the Big Time! Read Craig Hill's story about Joan Hays (red coat, center) in the Tacoma News Tribune!
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Photo courtesy of Vern Brown via TNT |
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Volunteer Photo Spotlight, Part #1
NPS Photo / VIP Hunds |
NPS Photo / VIP Hunds |
NPS Photo / VIP Hunds |
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Museum Collections Reconciliation Volunteers Needed
Wanted: two volunteers to assist with the reconciliation
project which will involve verifying the location of every artifact in
the collection and its corresponding paperwork. This task requires
careful attention to detail even when the work is repetitive. Applicant
will also be assisting with the installation/deinstallation of seasonal
exhibits, aiding researchers, scanning researcher photograph requests,
and cataloging artifacts. All training in museum management and the
National Park Service Cataloging program will be provided. For a full description of this volunteer opportunity and to submit an application, visit (Link takes you to the opportunity listing.) You may also contact Brooke Childrey, Park Curator, at 360-569-6784.
NOW RECRUITING: Emergency Roadside Assistance Volunteers
Friday, March 4, 2016
Adopt-a-Highway Volunteers Wanted!
It's time for our first Adopt-a-Highway litter patrol of 2016, and Crow is looking for a crew of a dozen to help clean up the trash which has accumulated along SR706 over the winter. We will be patrolling the two-mile section which includes the Park's Tahoma Woods property on Sunday, April 10. The work party begins at 10 and goes until we're done, generally by 1 PM depending on the number of volunteers who turn out for this community service. Gloves, long-armed grabbers and safety vests will be provided. If you'd like to be part of our picker-upper team, contact Crow at no later than April 1.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Mount Rainier's Nordic Patrol
In case you didn't know, Paradise at Mount Rainier National Park is one of the snowiest places on the planet. When the snow falls in the accurately named Paradise, droves of snowshoers, skiers, and sledders flock to those subalpine meadows with the hope of filling their afternoon with winter fun and excitement.
With more and more people visiting America's National Parks every year, the need for volunteers is ever-growing. One of our core group of volunteers each and every winter is the Nordic Patrol crew. They are out every weekend marking the routes that we know and love, providing preventative search and rescue, and making contacts with countless visitors enjoying the backcountry on any given day, all while enjoying the sublime grandeur of some of the lesser traveled areas of the park during the winter.
Sound pretty awesome to you? Well, you are right. It is pretty awesome. BUT WAIT! You can also be a part of this great group of volunteers this winter and for many snowy winters to come! Here is a brief summary of the group and an excerpt from the position description, as provided by Wilderness Ranger and Nordic Patrol Supervisor, Jeff Gardner:
Scope of Work - Nordic volunteers will work independently or with NPS Rangers during weekends throughout the winter use season, and as available during the Christmas holiday period. Nordic Patrol volunteers will perform day patrols of routes primarily in the Paradise and Tatoosh areas. Occasional trips may be scheduled for other destinations, such as the westside road. Patrols will center around visitor contacts with emphasis on providing information to skiers, snowboarders, showshoers and winter campers; preventative search and rescue; avalanche safety and resource protection (i.e. minimum impact winter camping and compliance with park regulations). Nordic volunteers will place and maintain ski trail signs and markers on selected ski trails in the Paradise area. As needed, volunteers will monitor group winter camping activities in the immediate Paradise area as well as check other parties camped in more remote areas.
Safety - Nordic volunteers will be required to patrol as two person teams at a minimum. Participation in a patrol risk management session before patrols. If you don’t agree with an assignment you can request a different route/duty for the day. Patrollers will be required to have the necessary avalanche response gear to provide assistance to their own party or park visitors (avalanche beacon, probe, and shovel). Without avalanche equipment, patrollers won't be able to ski near avalanche terrain. The NPS will work with Nordic Patrol to offer training opportunities throughout the year to improve patrollers' skill levels (Avy Awareness, EMS CE's, litter training).
Equipment - Volunteers will be issued NPS radios and will serve as a communication link in reporting ski and avalanche conditions, backcountry emergencies, and potential violations of park regulations (e.g. dog in the backcountry). Patrollers are expected to have the proper equipment and food to stay out overnight should they be injured or unable to make it back to the pick-up point by dark. The patrollers will not be required to carry additional gear for an injured visitor. This will be solved by a hasty team bringing additional overnight supplies and medical equipment to handle the injury.
Search and Rescue - Within their level of training and certification, volunteers may assist rangers and other rescue personnel on medical and SAR emergencies. In order to improve the ability of the NPS and Nordic Patrol to respond to emergencies, a new system has been established to improve communications between both parties. Nordic Patrol will need to review EMS and SAR training of its members and place each member into the following SAR categories.
- PSAR – preventative SAR with expectations of contacting visitors and educating them about the dangers while they are out.
- Searchers – have the fitness, desire and ability (skills, training, and experience) to assist NPS Rangers with searching for lost visitors throughout the Paradise or Tatoosh area. These patrollers may not have the fitness or desire to actually extricate the lost visitor, but can search.
- Rescuers – have the fitness, desire and ability (skills, training, and experience) to assist NPS Rangers with searching for lost visitors throughout the Paradise or Tatoosh area. These patrollers also want to assist with the extrication by a litter or staying out overnight with a lost visitor. The NPS will work to collect documentation of SAR skills to ensure we are not asking too much of volunteers.