Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Volunteers In Parks
Mount Rainier National Park
Report Date: Nov 02, 2007
Fiscal Year: 2007
Volunteer Coordinator and Park Information
Total Volunteers: 1,724
Alpha Code: MORA
VIP Coordinator: Kevin Bacher
VIP Coordinator Phone: 360-569-2211
Coordinator Email:
Volunteer hours by category:
Administration: 1,260.00
Campground Host: 2,136.00
Cultural Resource Management: 2,302.00
General Management: 0.00
Interpretation: 9,057.00
Maintenance: 45,786.00
Natural Resource Management: 8,902.00
Protection/Operations/Law Enforcement: 13,269.00
Training: 1,326.00
Program costs by category:
Housing: $ 84.00
Meals: $ 11,639.00
Recognition/Award: $ 706.00
Supplies: $ 14,235.00
Training: $ 1,097.00
Transportation: $ 7,030.00
Uniforms: $ 4,278.00
Updated 20 November 2007.
Volunteer Program Highlight
In early November, 2006, severe flooding damaged most of Mount Rainier's roads, trails, and campgrounds. Hundreds of people immediately contacted the park with offers of financial and volunteer support. To respond, the park formed a partnership with the Student Conservation Association to recruit, coordinate, and lead an army of volunteers, helping in all aspects of the park, especially trail construction. Partnerships with a coalition of other local non-profit organizations helped with publicity, recruitment, fundraising, and event planning. The result was an increase in our volunteer numbers of 90% over last year, including many individuals and groups who have already expressed interest in returning. Youth corps volunteers alone contributed 26,698 hours of work. Volunteer feedback and media coverage were extremely positive. By working with volunteers, we were able to significantly reduce our flood recovery costs, help preserve wilderness and cultural preservation values, and engage large numbers of people in our community in the ongoing stewardship of the park. Our flood recovery work and partnerships will continue in FY08. Mount Rainier NP has also invested in personnel and infrastructure, in addition to the program costs listed here, to ensure that we can continue building on this year's success into the future.
How many people at the park require VIP Program Mgmt Training: 15
Optional Information Regarding Housing VIPS and Campground Hosts
Number of Campground Hosts: 5
Number of VIPs housed in Permanent Structures: 35
Number of VIPs housed in Trailers: 6
Trailer Pads for Volunteers: 7
Other Information
Number of SCAs: 38
SCA Hours: 18051
Number of Artists in Parks: 0
Artist in Parks Hours: 0
Number of International VIPs: 24
International VIPS Hours: 1144
Number of Volunteer Senior Ranger Corps: 0
Volunteer Senior Ranger Corps Hours: 0